Page Saver 1.2 is now available in both Basic and Pro editions. You can update from the Firefox Extensions window (open it from the Tools menu).

Many people have asked us if we will be updating Page Saver to work with Firefox 2.0. The answer is Yes — Page Saver 1.2 is compatible with Firefox 2.0 Beta 1. The canvas technology has been restructured in Firefox 2.0 which caused an incompatibility with Page Saver. Now that the Firefox infrastructure has stabilized, it is time to release an updated version of Page Saver.

In Page Saver 1.2 we also added a new -savedelay command line flag. This flag is useful when you want to grab a web page that adds more content after the initial page load has finished (some pages use JavaScript’s setTimeout() function to implement a delayed load). Learn more about the -savedelay flag by reading the Page Saver documentation.

Are there other features you’d like us to add to a future release of Page Saver? Let us know by adding a comment here or by choosing “Send Feedback…” from Page Saver’s menu.